June 14, 2020 – July 27, 2024

The New Normal

  • The New Normal #12

    Nobody knows what the new normal will be in light of the pandemic and all

  • The New Normal #11

    “Cancel Culture” is a term used to describe the recent trend that has emerged in

  • The New Normal #10

    “Race Relations In Jesus’ Day” Luke 10:25-37 Race relations are a huge issue in America,

  • The New Normal #9

    “Social Justice in the Ministry of the Church” 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 Last week we took

  • The New Normal #8

    “Social Justice in the Ministry of Jesus” Luke 4:14-21 Social justice is a term we

  • The New Normal #7

    “Restraining Evil” Things in America seem to be out of control. There has been vandalism,

  • The New Normal #6

    One of the catch phrases we are hearing in today’s cultural revolution is “social justice.”

  • The New Normal #5

    We are living in turbulent times facing many issues that need to be resolved. Many

  • The New Normal #4

    The Israelites continue their trek in the desert to Mount Sinai. This is a critical

  • The New Normal #3

    Moses was a man who carried many burdens on his shoulders. As he led God’s